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Posted by Jon Geddes
2:36 pm on July 24th, 2009


Our upcoming Pro Motion Menu Kit: 04 – Swan Lake is well under way. Lots of creative design work in this menu, and of course, spectacular motion and transitions! Details will be given closer to release day, which should be in the next couple weeks.

We should also have a sneak peek up for another kit sometime next week!

HD to SD DVD – Best Methods

Posted by Jon Geddes
3:24 am on July 24th, 2009

Anyone who has edited HD footage and has had to output to an SD DVD is well aware of the shortcomings of today’s NLEs. Whether you are using Adobe Premiere or Apple Final Cut Pro, when you export your HD footage to MPEG2 DVD, the results are very poor. In fact, you might be thinking to yourself that it would look better had it been recorded in SD to begin with. Well you would be correct. (more…)

Upcoming Article

Posted by Jon Geddes
6:49 pm on July 20th, 2009

I’ve been working on an article to post on the blog regarding the best ways of doing HD to SD conversions. Both Adobe products and Apple products are plagued with bad downscaling algorithms which causes your SD DVD exports to look aweful, even worse than if the footage had originally been shot in SD.

It’s an extremely important topic with so few answers floating around. I will be getting to the bottom of it and telling you all the dirty details. It should be up within the next day or two!

Also, two more Pro Motion Menu Kits are in the works and should be released within the next few weeks. We will throw up some sneak peeks in a few days!

Opening Night Tutorial Fixed

Posted by Jon Geddes
12:13 pm on July 13th, 2009

The Opening Night tutorial for the Cover & Label template has been fixed and can now be viewed. We noticed it wasn’t loading right after we went out of town and we were unable to fix it until we returned to our office.

Now that we are back in our office, it’s time to get back to work! The next Pro Motion Menu Kit is already in the works as well as a new tutorial, so check back soon!

I just wanted to thank all of those who sent us the positive feedback on our latest Pro Motion Menu Kit. It makes all the hard work that goes into them worth it, knowing that you were able to amaze your clients with a motion menu that they wouldn’t get anywhere else.

In fact, we’ve been getting so much positive feedback, we are working on expanding our design team so we can deliver more Pro Motion Menu Kits at a faster pace. We know you want more variety, and thats just what we are going to give you!

Opening Night Now Available!

Posted by Jon Geddes
12:12 pm on July 2nd, 2009


The latest Pro Motion Menu Kit: 03 – Opening Night is now available for purchase!

Opening Night’s Features:

  • Fully Animated Theater with moving Curtains and Lights
  • Dust Particles Illuminated by the Bright Lights
  • Fly Backstage to Reveal a Special Features Menu and more!

Go to the product page to see all the submenus, cover artwork, and features!